So… when I started this jewelry endeavor I didn’t realize that it would involve more than just happily hammering away at silver and playing with gems. It actually takes hard work and business expertise. Enter wonderful husband, and help from my step daughter Yasi (thank you both!) to build this infernal website. In my mind it was so simple, take a few pictures, add some pretty words, and voila, everyone gets to see your pieces. I guess I don’t even realize what a dreamer I am at times until reality strikes. Hard.
So my initial picture of a beautiful website with flowery wording that would describe what type of outfit you would wear each piece with, in which season, while you were drinking a cold, or hot, beverage of your choice (!) is no longer a reality. At this point, I’m honestly just happy to be able to post a pic of every piece with a short, but honest description, and hopefully I remembered a measurement.
I won’t give up on my dream of flowery descriptions in the future when I’m only adding onesies and twosies at a time though! Hey, you can’t ever really take the dreams from a dreamer.
In the meantime, here she is, the culmination of my creative process over the last six months. It’s been a pure labor of love, filled with many hours of hard work, small bits of cursing if I’m honest, a lot of talking to myself and getting in touch with my guides, and in the end finding a truth in myself and in my work.
I thank anyone that takes a moment to either read this babble or to browse through the work and hope that you find a little something that makes you smile.
Hugs, because the world needs more of these,